Plot twist: Living in the now is connected to other moments
💜🌌REMINDER 4 MY DREAM CLIENTS: healing is non-linear. it moves in a spiral 🌀
when you feel like you’re regressing…are you open to trusting that this is a part of the process?
it's been a v Retrograde heavy start to 2022
as of today, Feb 4, 2022 - there are no planets in retrograde until April 28, 2022!
we're still in the Shadow period for Mercury + Venus - so as you move forward freely, integrate the lessons of the past!
So here's what I know for sure:
you’re not in place you used to be in. period. full stop.
you’re not back in time even if your body feels like that
(Trauma-Informed Note: Sometimes, if one is feeling super stuck in the past, unable to move on, having flash backs that are debilitating -there may be a history of a strong emotional event, emotional charge and/or trauma. I recommend working with a Mental health professional or Trauma-Specialist with trauma or potential trauma.)
Regardless of circumstance, wherever you’re reading this,
you’re here now
but plot twist: being in the connected to other moments (see meme 4 more)
Meme I found on twitter - don’t know original creator
we don’t live in a vacuum
healing patterns happen through consistency over time AND quantum leaps (we need BOTH)
support & release, expansion + contraction
Working with our body, energy & nervous system creates space for sustainable soulful success.
Let yourself be in the process of growth
So often we're focused on the outcome, the end result, the destination ....
that we forget it's who we are along the journey that's going to get us where we want to go!
Check-In: Questions to Ask Yourself
When you need more downtime after a season of going HAM...are you open to listening to your body? Or do try to push just cuz you can or to prove something?
When your intuition lets you know what's coming next in your business, do you trust yourself or do the voices of self-doubt drown you out?
When you notice than a new version of an old story/pattern is re-emerging do you give yourself grace or start being hard on yourself?
Take a moment to honestly check in, celebrate where you're showing up, and neutrally observing where you're not
an exercise for you when you’re experiencing a limiting story!
If there's a limiting story that's come up for you right now - ask yourself, when did you decide this? (Inhale, e x h a l e)
Let your first impulse, your unconscious answer come up
Bring your awareness to this part of you, and check in, is there anything that they need right now?
Is there a frequency, a feeling, an action that they need?
Let your healthy adult presence come online, and meet that need.
Just be here for a moment
If a future version of you would like to emerge, let them visit and meet the frequency of your younger self's need too
Notice how in this moment, there's not outcome, there's no result, you're just being here now <3
That’s all for today lovelies! As always, have a yummy day!
Here are the current ways to work with me:
— flash sale: 30 minute zap into alignment astrology + human design session
perf if you want a taste of my work
if you decide to continue working with me, your investment in this session will go towards your next one!
— soulful success coaching: 1:1 work for business owners & coaches looking to embody their next level with human design, Astro + energy work
— Of F*cking Course: cohort 2 of my astrology and human design course is half full!
Ready to read 💫 charts like the back of your hand to support your clients in their transformation? This is for you!!
— Listen to my Podcast Thinking ‘Bout Life for FREE! Created for the astrologically-minded, spiritually-curious, heart-centered business owners of the world <3 (also human design, like duh!)