Gratitude - breaking it down

Joy. Pleasure. Experiencing goodness in this world. Living a Yummy Life.

These are things I’m passionate about.

Gratitude is essential in savoring all of the above.

Through gratitude we’re able to be present and appreciate

(What we appreciate, appreciates #wink)

Except for too long gratitude has turned into this shallow bullshitty thing that makes people cringe but that’s not what it’s about at all

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Election Astrology - 2020

a short snippet from the stars:

The last time Mercury retrograde directly impacted the election was 2000 - Bush/Gore

2020 is set up differently - we’re seeing this play out in the mail in votes taking 29482918 years to be counted (so much love to the poll workers + people counting)

The day the Electoral College will be meeting is Dec 14th. There’s an eclipse happening that day.

Eclipse energy = expect the unexpected

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Neha Jha
Taylor Swift as a Healing Modality

Yesterday, I was standing in front of my altar, looking at my wall. ⁣⁣⁣
Recently I was reflecting on my time in update NY 5 years later.⁣⁣⁣
I realized if I wouldn’t have gone there, I wouldn’t have the 2 pieces of art above my altar made by friends. ⁣⁣⁣
I wouldn’t have met some of my favorite people.⁣

Hindsight is 2020, perhaps. #wink ⁣⁣⁣
But in the midst of it…I was moving through lessons of loss (Saturn in Scorpio) ⁣⁣⁣
From death, losing my peace of mind, heartbreak, to social exile, My ‘reputation’ was in flames. #wink ⁣⁣⁣
More than anything - I lost myself. ⁣⁣⁣

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Human Design, Your Aura + Your Strategy

Why TF your human design strategy is the way that it is #YourAura

Human Design is a system that throws Western + Eastern Astrology, the I-Ching, the Chakra System, and the Tree of Life in a blender and gives you your Energetic Strategy.

This informs how your aura moves through the world and what you do by simply existing.

(cuz yes your value is inherent, in contrast to what toxic capitalism would have you believe)

I don’t like being told what to do for no reason, lol.

The shape of your aura + your strategy go hand in hand, and when I studied this, human design clicked for me! ⁣⁣

So I wrote these love notes to illustrate the reasons WHY your type has this strategy. <3

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Wonderful Black Meditation Teachers + Practitioners

I’ve practiced meditation with all of these people, either on an app, on a recording, on a live call or class

Apps I use consistently: Insight Timer + 10% Happier*

Insight Timer is free + has a paid membership for courses!

Great app to get started! A lot of these teachers have meditations available on there!

I’ve recently downloaded a Black-Owned Meditation app - Liberate! Still exploring it - will be back with thoughts.

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Happy Birthday, Breonna Taylor! 

[Written on June 5th, 2020]

You died violently while resting your bed. That in and of itself breaks my heart.
As a person who believes deeply in the healing power of rest and rest as an act of revolution - the way you transitioned my heart breaks even more.

Inhale, Exhale, a Moment of Pause to honor you and your life, Breonna.


Hold At The Top


[Reader: I’m gonna shift gears. My tone is going to be more joyful. I’m informing you because it may feel jarring, AND this is my process in honoring Breonna. If this doesn’t resonate with you, you are welcome to stop reading. I invite you to honor your boundaries. If you’re interested in joy as healing modality + a revolutionary act - keep reading]

Breonna! You’re a Gemini. That’s cool. As an astrologer, I’m not supposed to have favorites, but Gemini is one of my favorite signs.

I love the curiosity, the wordplay, the laughter, the intelligence Gemini energy brings forth.

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